Artist Statement

My work and practice are driven out of the necessity to remember my own life, as well as an interest in how others interact with their memories. With my own memory issues due to frontal lobe damage, my work becomes objects of memory. Photography and printmaking allow me to create a physical archive that acts as a memory bank, capturing the important people and places in my life. These, in turn, become objects of memory that I can refer back to and revisit time and again to solidify those moments that have been stopped in time. I use photography as the catalyst for all of my investigations into memory, utilizing its capability to preserve people, places, and events. Printmaking, writing, and bookmaking are a further means to imbue my own intent and emotions on the moments that I have frozen, which all interact to assist in storytelling. I believe that by creating these objects of memory, their stories communicate inscribed signifiers that allow viewers of my work to revive their own memories.

2019 © Chandler Hubbard. All rights reserved.

Peach Tree, 2023